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Writing a Job Description
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7 Tips: How to Write an Effective Job Description

​Do you know how to write a good job description?

When it comes to recruiting for your team, a well-crafted job description is more than just a formality. For some executive leaders, it can be the deciding factor when applying for a role, regardless of what they have heard about the business.

It is the first insight a candidate has into the role and your company so writing a good job description is key. 

A compelling job description can attract top talent to your team and start the hiring process off on a good note. Below are 7 tips for writing an effective job description that will inspire leaders to apply for you opening.

1. Create a Clear Job Title 

The job title is the first section a potential leader will see. To ensure you are attracting the right candidates, the job title should accurately reflect the role and its place in the wider business. It should also match the level of expertise required. If you need the skill of a Financial Controller, you do not want to advertise the role as a 'Finance Manager' for example.

Avoid writing a vague title and be specific. Which sector will the candidate be working in? If the opportunity is for a Finance Director to join the sales function, consider titles like 'Sales Finance Director'.

An accurate job title reflects the level of skill required to do the role and the functions of the job.

2. Describe your Company Culture

More than ever, executive leaders are looking to work in organisations that have flexible working, inclusion, and employee well-being embedded in their business model. Review your job descriptions to ensure they reflect your commitment to diversity, to your community, and the planet. 

The key to writing job descriptions that motivate potential leaders to apply for your opening is to describe your company so that candidates understand your goals, values, and selling points. Candidates want to work in a business that mirrors their own beliefs and aligns with their own career goals. To assess whether your opportunity is right for them, you need to be clear and concise on the organisational agenda.

3. A Good Job Description Outlines the Duties

An effective job description provides a comprehensive rundown of the responsibilities and duties. 

Use bullet points to outline all of the duties required for the role and avoid using jargon and confusing phrases. The key to a successful hiring strategy is being clear about the role from the outset. You do not want potential candidates to pull out at the interview stage because they were not aware of some aspects of the role, or that the duties listed do not sit under the role's jurisdiction.

Be concise when describing the responsibilities of the position and what the candidate will have ownership of, particularly at the executive level.

4. Highlight the Qualifications Required

Clearly outline the essential skills and expertise required for the role. Does your post call for qualified candidates or candidates with years of proven experience behind them?

Be specific and avoid vague terms like "a good understanding of Microsoft Excel", "experience" or "knowledge." Instead, list quantifiable skills and qualifications, such as "5+ years of experience in manufacturing," or "Proficient in power query"

5. Promote Career Progression Opportunities

As well as an organisation that cares, business leaders are seeking opportunities that will further advance their careers.

Highlight the career growth opportunities available within your company whether that be a promotion, the chance to complete leadership development courses, or learn in a new area of the business. 

Candidates will be attracted to an organisation that can invest in their future and their learning.

6. Always Include Salary and Benefits

If you are not including a salary in your job description, you are already putting off potential top talent.

Executive leaders do not want to apply to a role that is vague from the outset and could be a waste of time. Whether you have an exact salary you are working to or a range, include this in the job description to ensure you capture the right candidates.

It is also a good idea to outline the additional perks and benefits that form part of the salary package. This could be flexible working, shares, private medical, car allowance, pension, or holiday allowance. 

Sometimes leaders might be more interested in pensions than they are flexible working, so being clear about the whole package ensures you are transparent and capture the right talent.

7. A Strong Call to Action

The job description should conclude with a clear and compelling call to action. Encourage leaders to apply by highlighting the benefits of joining the company and emphasising the urgency of the position. 

Consider including a deadline for applications so candidates know when they need to apply.

Crafting a compelling job description is essential for attracting top talent to your organisation. Following these 7 tips will ensure your job descriptions are effective and inspire the interest of the most suitable leaders.

A job description is key for encouraging candidates to apply for your role and is also a great marketing tool for your organisation.