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How to Implement a Succession Plan: For Organisational Leaders

​Here's Why Your Business Needs a Succession Plan - and How to Implement It

As a business leader or business owner, you are responsible for the efficiency and success of the organisation. You will have been a guiding force for your team during the pandemic and the cost of living crisis. But are you prepared for the unexpected departure of your most trusted colleagues and absence in key roles?

If the answer is no, then you need to put a succession plan in place. Our post will guide you through what an effective succession plan looks like, its pros and cons, and how you can develop an effective succession strategy. Here at Chilworth Partnership, finding Executive talent is our talent. But we also have advisors on hand to guide you through leadership succession and transition of leadership.

What is Succession Planning?

Succession planning is not preparing colleagues who possess a similar skillset to yourself for stepping into your shoes or those of your key team players. It is a proactive approach to identifying and developing talent within your company to ready them to take on key leadership positions in the future. You won't be naming a successor and preparing them for leadership, you will be creating a succession plan for the future of your leadership team, but also for roles that play a vital role in the day-to-day running of the business. 

Benefits of Succession Planning

The four reasons why workforce planning and succession management should be on your agenda:

1) Business Continuity:

Unforeseen departures in critical roles and changes in leadership plus planned retirement, maternity leave, and further disruption can halt operations. Setting up a succession planning process minimises workflow disorganisation and ensures a smooth transition. 

2) Improved Employee Engagement: Learning and development opportunities are attractive to candidates in 2024. A structured succession plan demonstrates your commitment to internal progression and developing your team's leadership skills and expertise. Employees are more motivated and loyal while your job openings remain attractive to future candidates.

3) Encouraging Future Leaders: By identifying and developing talent, you create a pool of highly motivated and qualified individuals ready for leadership and highly skilled roles. This ensures a constant flow of fresh perspectives and strategic thinking within the organisation.

4) Increased Business Value: A strong succession plan signals stability and preparedness to potential investors and partners. This can boost your business's reputation and value in the long run.

Drawbacks of the Succession Process

While the advantages of succession planning are clear, there are a few challenges to be aware of:

  • Cost: Identifying potential successors and investing time and resources into their training is a big financial commitment. 

  • Uncertainty: Predicting future needs and identifying the "perfect" successor can be tricky.

  • Employee Discontent: If the chosen successor is unclear, it can create internal competition and discouragement.

How to Implement a Succession Plan

Here's how to turn your succession planning strategy into action:

1) Assessment Process: Evaluate your existing business structure, paying close attention to your leadership structure. Identify business-critical roles and analyse the skills and experience necessary to fill them effectively.

2) Know Where Your Talent is: Identify individuals who demonstrate leadership potential, a strong work ethic, and a passion for the company vision.

3) Skills Development: Create a customised training plan for each potential successor you have identified. This could include mentorship programs, leadership training, or opportunities to shadow senior leaders and highly skilled colleagues.

4) Communication: Communicate your succession planning initiative to your employees. Transparency fosters trust and encourages them to pursue their own career development.

5) Regular Review and Updates: As your business evolves due to changing consumer needs or markets, so should your succession plan. Regularly review and update the plan to keep pace with changes and internal development or promotions.

Partnering for Successful Succession

If you are new to creating a succession plan, teaming up with an Executive Search Consultancy like Chilworth Partnership can provide expertise and a contextual opinion. 

We can assist with the identification of existing talent in your team and highlight areas you can improve your learning and development opportunities.


Succession planning may seem intimidating at first, but its long-term benefits outweigh the initial challenges. By investing in your future leaders now, you can ensure your business is geared towards unparalleled success. 

Ready to build a sustainable future for your organisation or looking to fill a leadership gap in your team?

Contact us today to discuss how our expert team can help you find an Executive Leader, or an Interim Manager, or offer coaching services.


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